At KFDigi, we take up website design & development projects and create professional, clean, informative SEO optimized websites for our clients. The aim is to provide the best websites within the budget of our clients. Websites have turned out to be one of the best digital marketing tools for a company which makes having a good website a necessity. Here are few reasons why websites have become so instrumental:-
Why is a website necessary for a business?
A website is one of the most important tools that can be utilized by a company to drive sales of their services/products. A good website can make the difference between becoming a successful multi-national company or being just another stagnant local business. Let us describe in detail why a website helps:
The Backbone of Digital Marketing:
A company’s marketing efforts – advertisements on billboards, TV commercials, newspapers, social networks or any other medium will lead to the website of the particular brand/company. Having a good website supports all the marketing efforts of an organization as all interested parties will visit the website to learn more about or purchase a product/service offered or advertised by the company.
All Roads Lead to A Website: Anyone interested in a company’s ideas, products, services etc. will always check the website of the company for more information. Digital marketing methods such as email marketing or PPC(pay-per-click) ads will all lead the potential clients or leads to the company’s website. All of the generated interest will be directed towards the website of the brand/organization.
The Content Central:
The website must contain every last detail of information of the product/service offered by the company for benefit of the customers/leads. The content must be informative, useful and also be a driving force in lead conversion. A lot of content can be generated by the company for the benefit of the client/users/customers but it would be a futile effort if there was no platform to post this content on, a website is the perfect platform to put up necessary and valuable product/service information as then everything the leads need to know will be available to them in one place i.e. the website.
SEO Optimized Higher Inbound:
Websites that employ SEO techniques perform better in lead generation and an increased number of first time visitors. A website with a good design, quality content & SEO optimization techniques can turn into a digital salesperson for the company.
Round The Clock Functionality:
Unlike human employees who can only work for a fixed amount of hours a day, a website can become a store for any company’s products & services. Customers/clients can log on to a website at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world and look up on product information, service benefit & even order goods. The content on the website acts as a virtual salesperson for the company, informative and to the point content can be a key factor in lead conversion. The company can sell its products to their leads at all times through a website without the need for active engagement.
Brand Reinforcement:
Having a website allows you to display the values and ethics your company stands for. A company website also reinforces trust in the customer and tends to make the company seem bigger than it may be. Websites can have information about the location of the company’s offices(s) leading to higher credibility of the organization’s existence. If your company has a website and if your competition does not, the leads generated will trust an organization with a reliable source of information like a website.
At KFDigi, we have a team of experts who design the websites for our clients to their exact needs and specifications. KFDigi has been in the website development business for the last 19 years. All our websites are built from the ground up and SEO optimized as per Google Search norms resulting in organic rankings in searches and generation of higher first time visitors.
5 Steps That Make a Killer Website:
In 2021, it is very easy to make a website. Anyone can start a website but it is not easy to make a great website. A website that looks great in design and contains informative content may not rank high at all in search engine rankings. Some of the steps that make a website a great one are:-
- Navigation: Websites must be easy to navigate for the user; the content on the site should be easily accessible, readable & informative. Sites with unclear/confusing navigation can cause the user to lose patience & interest in the website.
- Relevance: The content on the website must be relevant to what the brand/company offers. Images and graphics related to the products/services offered by the company are helpful and preferred by the customers.
- Loading Times: A slow loading, heavy site with slow loading sections can be off-putting for users or potential leads visiting a company’s website. Faster loading sites are necessary to keep the attention of the users and leads.
- Search Engine Optimization: Sites that are SEO optimized tend to generate higher traffic and thus have higher lead conversion. Along with SEO optimized content, sites should have images, meta-descriptions & titles that are optimized as well.
- Tracking: Utilize web traffic tracking tools to analyze the kind of traffic your website is attracting and why. Make changes to further improve chances of the crowd liking the content on your website. This helps improve website search ranking, generating organic traffic and site referrals. Continuous improvement als0 helps in improving conversion rates from inbound traffic.
The process of SEO optimizing a website is a tricky one with challenges and uncertainty. It is a time consuming process and if not done properly could result in poor traffic. It is better to employ a company/digital marketing team like ours – so we can do it professionally for you using our best experience and expertise.
Design – A Brief History:
Since the first time Early Man learnt to use fractured stones as tools for different purposes – primarily survival and convenience, design became an integral part of human evolution. Every object we use in our daily activities have been designed specifically to serve a purpose – from something tiny like a needle to something huge like a Airbus A380 commercial aeroplane have been designed meticulously. The key part of design is development, when a design does not produce the desired results, it can be modified to achieve a better result. Often unnoticed, behind a revolutionary design there is a story of evolutionary development. Design is an endless process with infinite scope of improvement. Website Design Rewind: 1989 – A 31 year young English computer scientist named Timothy-Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web at CERN ( the European Organisation for Nuclear Research), Geneva – Switzerland which also currently operates the world’s largest machine – the Large Hadron Collider.1990 to 1991 – Sir Tim-Berners Lee wrote the first web browser in 1990 and released it to other research institutions in the month of January 1991. August 1991 – the web was released to public. It took until 1994 for the Web to enter daily use once general purpose websites became available. The first website created by Sir Tim-Berners Lee was just plain text with hyperlink text in blue colour.
2003 – The launch of website Content Management System (CMS) free service called WordPress was launched in the year 2003. By 2003, in just a span of 12 years since the Web went public – the internet was already home to a host of web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla 1.0), search engines (Yahoo!, Google), online stores(Amazon) and also websites that had landing pages, animations, pictures & videos.
2010 – Only 19 years since the Web was public, there are websites now available for everything one could possibly imagine. Web traffic increased once the internet became more affordable and with the advent of smartphones in the years 2007-2008, the internet was only getting more accessible. A web designer by the name Ethan Marcotte challenged the idea of displaying the same content of websites be it on a smartphone or a computer but in different layouts for different screen sizes to cater to both kinds of users.
2014 – The internet became a cluttered space with way too many websites and very high traffic. Businesses had to figure out a way to generate and convert leads. Websites were already chock-a-block with ads and pop-up banners leading to irritation of web users. Marketers used a clever way to combat this problem – they started offering content, services & suggestions on their sites and began to convert leads into customers. This was the beginning of the rise of what we now know as inbound traffic.
2015 to present – The concept of Growth Driven Design took off, with search engines like Google, bing & DuckDuckGo pushing organic and catered content to the users. Companies picked up Search Engine Optimization techniques and deployed it on their sites to ensure they spend in the right way to attract customers & clients. The best businesses know that their website is never fully complete and invest in continuous development of their site t0 be updated with the changes in user demands.
Most frequent questions and answers
The work that goes on behind the scenes to build & maintain websites is known as web development. Web development includes making the website look great, load fast while providing a buttery smooth user experience.
What is web development used for?
Web development has a plethora of uses – different web design languages can be used to design various kinds of sites. The possibilities are infinite. Web development can be used to design mobile apps, website content, games, databases & other software in addition to building websites.
What are the different types of websites?
There are too many types of websites to categorize but few examples are – blogs, online stores, news/updates, Social media sites, company sites, information sites etc.